Call For Paper

LIJDLR is an Open Access, online Quarterly Peer Reviewed International Journal.  LawFoyer International Journal of Doctrinal Legal Research Journal invites Research papers, Articles, Book Reviews & Case Commentaries.  You can submit your manuscript via Online Submission System. The academic publishing industry is evolving rapidly, and this is no secret. There has been an increase in the number of new editors, reviewers, and publishers, which has resulted in a shift in the standards expected from researchers in all fields.

The Journal is indexed in several Databases like Google Scholar, An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), Advanced Sciences Index, The Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI), Orchid, Centre for Open Science, Mendeley, Wiki CFP, Refseek, Issuu etc.

Theme of the Journal:

The Manuscripts sent must be under the Scope of Either Law or Socio-Legal Domain.

Important Dates

Submission & Publication Details


Schedule for Volume 2 Issue 3

Aug-Oct 2024

Deadline of Submission

30th Oct 2024.

Review Results

72-hour Review Process

Publication of Manuscript

Publication live from Aug to Oct

(Publication typically occurs within 2 to 5 days after completing pre-publication formalities. Urgent requests are also accommodated.)

Issuance of Certificate

Immediately at Publication.

Processing Charges:

For Indian Authors:

  • Single Author:- Rs 499/-
  • Two Authors:- Rs 699/-

For Author(s) outside India: $ 15/- 

Submission Guidelines


  • Long Articles and Short Articles must be accompanied by an abstract of a maximum of 250 to 300 words.
  • Up to one Co-author is allowed for all categories of submissions.
  • All submissions shall be the author’s original work, not previously published anywhere, and not under consideration by any other journal at the time of submission. Articles that are plagiarised, in part or whole, will be immediately disqualified for publication by LIJDLR.
  • The Authors shall be completely liable for any dispute that arises out of my or our manuscript, including copyright, defamation, offensive content, or
    contempt, and they undertake to bear the loss (if any) that is caused by breaching copyright or any other rights.
  • Even though it is recommended that the author sticks to the prescribed word limits of each category, the journal may be willing to be flexible on the
    word limit based on the quality of the article as long as it meets publication criteria.


  • On the first page of the manuscript, the author should include the title of the paper, the names of the authors, and their affiliation with the respective institutions, along with email ids, followed by an abstract and keywords. The abstract needs to be clear and concise, while still conveying all the necessary information. 
  • Footnotes should be written in Times New Roman style, font size 10, with 1.0 line spacing and the main body of the book should be written in Times New Roman style, font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing. Each heading is required to have a structure that is consistent throughout.
  • There must be a standard citation style used throughout both the text and the footnotes. Eg: Bluebook 20th Edition, OSCOLA.
  • Microsoft Office word is the recommended file format for any articles (2003 or above). It is necessary to insert illustrations at the right points throughout the paper. It’s important to take care of the numbering. No borders or other decorative implementations shall be entertained anywhere in the entire text. The following sections must be included in the

i. Title page
ii. Abstract
iii. Keywords
iv. Introduction
v. Research & Analysis divided into various Sub-Headings
vi. Conclusion and Suggestions
vii. References


  • Case Name & Citation
  • Table of Contents
  • Index of Authorities (list of cases referred with page numbers)
  • Head Notes (at most 5 to 6 lines per head note, use hyphens (–) adjoin phrases)
  • Abstract (at most 250 to 300 words)
  • Primary Details of the Case (in two-column table format)
    • General Details (like Court Name, Case Number, etc.)
    • Specific Details (case-specific details like witnesses in a criminal case)
      • Prosecution Witnesses (list of names of the witnesses)
      • Defence Witnesses (list of names of the witnesses)
  • Brief facts of the Case (in at most 4 to 5 paragraphs)
  • Issues raised in the Case (as stated in judgment – questions of law)
  • Arguments Advanced by the Parties (only material arguments to which emphasis is applied in the judgment in almost 4 to 5 paragraphs)
  • Evidences Produced by the Parties (if any) (only material evidences in almost 2 to 3 paragraphs)
  • Judgement (Analysis by the Judge on each issue)
    • Ratio Decidendi (issue-wise analysis in not more than 2 to 3 paragraphs per issue)
      ▪ Analysing Issue No. 1
      ▪ Analysing Issue No. 2
      ▪ Analysing Issue No. 3 … etc.
    • Obitur Dictum (opinion of judges which is material for the interpretation of the judgment or any remarkable statement made by Hon’ble Judges)
  • Commentary
    • Author’s Comment
    • Judgements Overruled / Surpassed (Partly or Wholly) (if any), (mention about the judgment which overruled the judgment being analyzed)
  • References
    • Sources referred for commentary (in bullet points as per the citation standards being followed – ILI / Harvard Bluebook / OSCOLA)
    • Important Cases or Cases Referred (with a citation in bullet form)
