climate change


THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES AND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THEIR TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE IN CONSERVING ENVIRONMENT Kavya Shukla, Student at the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Download Manuscript This paper sheds light on the plight of indigenous communities as victims of climate change whose concerns have been institutionally sidelined and paid disregard by both the governmental and non-governmental bodies. The knowledge of the indigenous communities that has been garnered by them through centuries of experience and seasonal survival strategies shall be helpful in adapting and mitigating climate change, however, owing to our obsession with the modern and scientific methods, such traditional ecological knowledge is not paid due regard hence acting as retarding force in our collective development. The paper further enlightens regarding the intricate connection of indigenous communities and environment and how reciprocity exists between healthy environment and these people. The paper elucidates the injustice being meted out to these communities and seeks to enforce restorative justice through governmental measures. The paper attempts to sensitise the conscience regarding the sufferings of indigenous communities owing to disproportionate burden being placed on them despite contributing least to the adverse climatic changes. These communities have been forced to relocate and adapt to new changes in lifestyle which impacts their health and development. These communities share a spiritual bond with their lands and struggle to survive in the world of redrawn boundaries where these communities have been dislocated either regionally or nationally. The persecution faced by these people is a relic of historical colonization and contemporary capitalistic developments across the globe. This builds a strong case for indigenous communities to come forward and voice their concerns regarding the injustice faced by them. Restorative justice is the need of the hour to correct testimonial and environmental injustice. The paper elucidates the role played by Indian judiciary in safeguarding their rights while highlighting the significance of adaption and restoration. Type Information Research Paper LawFoyer International Journal of Doctrinal Legal Research, Volume II, Issue II, Page 769-794. Creative Commons Copyright This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Copyright © LIJDLR 2024



GREEN TAXONOMY: INDIA’S NEED OF AN HOUR Kinjal Suchak, BBA-LLB, 5th year, 9th semester, Student at ICFAI Law School, IFHE, Hyderabad Download Manuscript One of the concerns in the fast-growing economies worldwide is about meeting sustainable development goals without compromising business growth. In today’s corporate world, sustainability is a necessary concept, and it requires the attention of both individuals and corporations. Green taxonomy is the key framework to help investors make informed investment decisions for contributing to the company’s social responsibility, i.e., green financing. This paper aims to address the importance of developing regulations to maneuver in reaching our sustainable development goals and reducing the impact of emissions on the planet. It is navigating through the understanding of green taxonomy, the developments made by other countries, and India’s stand on it, highlighting the steps taken by the financial regulators in the Indian economy. The green taxonomy would not just provide a mechanism to tackle greenwashing but also many other climate concerns that are not yet identified and addressed by our nation. The paper gives an overview of the European Union legislation on sustainable activities. Various other countries have also framed a systematic regulation to deal with green investments while some are in the process of making one. This paper suggests that Indian policymakers need to shift their focus on developing a green taxonomy, a precise framework addressing all the needs of green finance world which in turn would lead to a holistic approach towards climate change, help economies to ensure proper utilization of funds in sustainable activities and reach our lower carbon emissions goals and shifting towards a greener economy on international level. Type Information Research Paper LawFoyer International Journal of Doctrinal Legal Research, Volume II, Issue II, Page 639-654. Creative Commons Copyright This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Copyright © LIJDLR 2024


Water Rights And Climate Change: An Analysis Of Transboundary Water Conflicts Amidst Environmental Challenges In The Indus Region With Specific Reference To The Indus Waters Treaty Of 1960

Water Rights And Climate Change: An Analysis Of Transboundary Water Conflicts Amidst Environmental Challenges In The Indus Region With Specific Reference To The Indus Waters Treaty Of 1960 Virendra Pratap Singh Rathod, Law Student at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies. Download Manuscript ABSTRACT In the delicate dance of geopolitics and international law, the Indo-Pak water conflict emerges as a poignant illustration of intricate complexities, where environmental, legal, and human rights dimensions interlace. Nestled in the heart of the Asian subcontinent, the storied waters of the Indus River, a life-source for millions, have become grounds of contention, weaving intricate patterns of cooperation and conflict. Amidst this multifaceted dynamic, the spectre of climate change casts an ominous shadow, exacerbating the existing fissures and heralding new, unprecedented challenges. The Indus Waters Treaty (IWT), hailed as a beacon of bilateral cooperation amidst turbulent relations, now faces trials by the insidious, yet pervasive impacts of a changing climate. The Treaty, concluded under the aegis of the World Bank in 1960, has withstood the test of times and tides, arbitrating the shared usage of the Indus and its tributaries.[1] However, as climate change alters the hydrological landscape, impacting both the quantum and temporal distribution of these vital waters, the prescience and adaptability of the Treaty is increasingly being called into question. Type Information Research Paper LawFoyer International Journal of Doctrinal Legal Research, Volume I, Issue III, Page 152- 166. Creative Commons Copyright This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Copyright © LIJDLR 2023 Recent content Water Rights And Climate Change: An Analysis Of Transboundary Water Conflicts Amidst Environmental Challenges In The Indus Region With Specific Reference To The Indus Waters Treaty Of 1960 Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism In India: Limitations And Recommendations Parallel Paths: Analysing The Overlapping Jurisdiction Of Cci And Sectoral Regulators In India CONTEMPORARY CONSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGES IN INDIA : AN ANALYSIS OF KEY ISSUES ADMINISTRATION OF A NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS IN INDIA: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS​

Water Rights And Climate Change: An Analysis Of Transboundary Water Conflicts Amidst Environmental Challenges In The Indus Region With Specific Reference To The Indus Waters Treaty Of 1960 Read More »