Sukriti Gupta, BALLB 2nd YEAR Student.
Technology has completely changed human working. In today’s time we are more or less dependent on technological developments. “Artificial Intelligence”, the most commonly used term in past 3 years does not need a long-lectured description. Since the time a pandemic has hit the world hard, the use of technology in almost all its form have evolved round the corner. At that time, the most flourishing field of technological advancement which impacted the world in its fullest was the field of Artificial Intelligence. When we talk about Legal System of across the world, the concept of AI in it has rapidly increased. Many countries in the current time have adopted AI to facilitate their Judicial System. If we throw light on the impact of technology in different spheres, we would get a very overwhelming picture of how advantageous technology is, whether it’s in Primary, Tertiary, or Secondary Sector of any nation. However, when we discuss about the role and impact of Artificial Intelligence in Judiciary, it is perhaps difficult to choose whether AI is acting as boon or bane in this complex system of Justice giving field. It also becomes difficult to predict how long will AI sustain in Judiciary and how well it will expand itself in the coming times. In this article we’ll primarily analyse how our Judicial system has adopted Artificial Intelligence and what are its positive and negative impacts on it