Vedang Kapoor, 10th Semester student at Amity Law School, Lucknow.

Dr. Rajeev Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor at Amity Law School, Lucknow


The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) remains a perennial hotbed of debate in India, embodying the intricate interplay between cultural multiplicity and the foundational tenets of equality and justice enshrined in the constitution. This treatise delves into a meticulous examination of the UCC, tracing its historical metamorphosis, constitutional moorings, and present-day pertinence. Through a scrupulous dissection of the pro and contra arguments surrounding the UCC, this inquiry seeks to illuminate its prospective ramifications on national integration, gender parity, and juridical homogeneity.

By leveraging comparative analyses from nations with established uniform civil statutes, the research delineates both the auspicious prospects and inherent obstacles tied to the UCC’s enactment. Exemplary cases from countries such as Turkey and France highlight the potential of such codifications to advance egalitarianism and societal concord, whereas cautionary narratives underscore the labyrinthine challenges posed by cultural plurality and religious nuances.

Additionally, the study outlines future research trajectories aimed at enhancing comprehension and manoeuvring through the intricate UCC discourse. By encouraging judicious decision-making and addressing societal apprehensions, policymakers can steer a course that upholds the principles of pluralism, equality, and justice within India’s diverse societal fabric. Through collective endeavours and pragmatic methodologies, the UCC discourse has the potential to act as a catalyst for substantive social transformation and advance towards a more equitable legal edifice.